Monday, January 26, 2009

Fuel Costs At The Pump

Why are we paying more for fuel.

It has got stupid at the pumps and have been watching prices rise then fall.

Noticed one thing, that prices fall on the barrel of crude and takes a long time to drop at the pumps.

At one stage when prices jump from .99c to about $1.45 cents a litre.

You can't tell me that they still had stocks of petrol at the cheap price and the next they are up high and a big profit for them.

Filling up a 5 litre container for your lawnmower costs just under $10.00.

Oil companies have you by the balls as they know that we need fuel to keep workers on the roads and businesses to run.

The consumer is hit the most with truckers paying for diesel and diesel road users plus truck COF, which drips down on cost of freight and groceries to consumer as well.

Now the Government wants a watchdog to keep an eye on fuel costs, my ass they will control the costs to keep us happy as it seems funny on major holidays that fuel costs come down for some ungodly known reason.

People going on holidays over Christmas decided to travel close to home and couldn't afford trips away and what happened, prices drop on fuel on the holidays.

The more fuel prices go up the more the Government makes on taxes as well.

Cars now with big engines have become cheaper to buy and small four cylinder cars have shot through the roof. Really a have as Government has hidden plans that they want to take old cars off the roads that puff just a little of smoke and large engines, so then we will buy eco-friendly cars.

But why do they drive around in their new Merc's with fuel cards as a benefit. Come on New Zealand is not that big, could buy a small car. Even better use the Railway that we bought back.

Could see them using a ten trip bus pass.

One petrol company posted a 56 billion dollar profit, so imagine the rest of the other companies.

That is why motorbikes are back to being the big thing, but then the prices drop and everyone stops using them cause you can't go and get the weeks groceries without a boot and fuel cheap.

Bio-fuel is a joke as you are only saving a few cents as it costs a lot of money to produce, so an airline has decided to try it. So if you are a few thousand feet above the ground and smell hotdogs and chips, no the airline hasn't opened up a takeaway shop. Plus its not the ground crew having a BBQ either.

Bush only started the war in Iraq for the oil, so he got his greedy little hands on it. See how quick they were to put the fires out on the oil fields, like seeing money going in flames.
Now see who is control of the oil prices now.

Gas fields are drying up for liquid gas, so on a limited supply. A 10kg gas bottle use to cost $10 to fill, now $20 to fill.

So watch your petrol pump next time or watch the news and see what you think, might be my insanity.

Even better buy a ride-on lawnmower or golf cart, bonus is that you can get them down the shopping lanes.

Do as the Dukes do, moonshine fuel.
Can't say it isn't eco-friendly.

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